
Functioning Hot Mess

Podcast: Ep. #121 – Why You Need to Stop with the “Shoulds”

Podcast: Ep. #121 – Why You Need to Stop with the “Shoulds”

EPISODE 121 SHOW NOTES If you’re someone who is constantly thinking about all of the things you “should” be doing in your life, this one's for you! I’m excited to bring you a special episode today from my Perfectly Imperfect Membership, and it’s all about the...

Podcast: Ep. #119 – How to Get Back in Touch with Your Intuition

Podcast: Ep. #119 – How to Get Back in Touch with Your Intuition

EPISODE 119 SHOW NOTES Do you tend to ignore that little voice that’s speaking to you when you’re going through hot mess moments? Whether you want to call it your intuition, your heart, your gut, your higher self, or something else, it’s there for a reason....

Podcast: Ep. #118 – Why You Need to Take Ownership of Your Life

Podcast: Ep. #118 – Why You Need to Take Ownership of Your Life

EPISODE 118 SHOW NOTES Do you struggle to think about your past, because it’s too painful to dig into? Maybe you aren’t proud of some of the choices you’ve made, and you want to blame everyone else but yourself-you’re not ready to take ownership. I don’t want you to...

Podcast: Ep. #115 – Why We Need to Spend More Time Outside

Podcast: Ep. #115 – Why We Need to Spend More Time Outside

EPISODE 115 SHOW NOTES I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love this time of year. The weather is warming up, so you’ll probably find me camping, riding my motorcycle, or even hanging out with friends. Honestly, I just feel like my spirits are lifted because I...

Podcast: Ep. #114 – 4 Steps to Take to Bring More Fun into Your Life

Podcast: Ep. #114 – 4 Steps to Take to Bring More Fun into Your Life

EPISODE 114 SHOW NOTES Something I hear often from my coaching clients is the lack of fun they’re having in their lives. It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the busyness and day-to-day duties of having jobs, families, and all of the adult responsibilities. We don’t...

Podcast: Ep. #111 – Why You Need to Believe in Yourself First

Podcast: Ep. #111 – Why You Need to Believe in Yourself First

EPISODE 111 SHOW NOTES Do you struggle with pursuing your goals if you don’t feel like you’re being supported? Maybe your significant other, a family member, or close friend isn't showing you the support you were hoping for (or you think you need), so you stay stuck,...

Podcast: Ep. #110 – How to Positively Handle One Way Friendships

Podcast: Ep. #110 – How to Positively Handle One Way Friendships

EPISODE 110 SHOW NOTES Have you ever dealt with a friendship where it was all one-sided, and no matter how much you did for the other person, they never seemed to care? Trust me when I say, I’ve experienced this first hand, and it can be super frustrating when you...

Podcast: Ep. #109 – 9 Signs You May Be In a Toxic Relationship

Podcast: Ep. #109 – 9 Signs You May Be In a Toxic Relationship

EPISODE 109 SHOW NOTES Have you ever felt like something in your relationship is a little off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Maybe you do recognize that your relationship is in a bad place, but you’re not sure how to improve it for the better, or if...

Podcast: Ep. #107-Why Our Words Are So Powerful

Podcast: Ep. #107-Why Our Words Are So Powerful

EPISODE 107 SHOW NOTES The words we say carry a lot of power and strength, don’t you think? We use words for good and to benefit others, and we use them to be destructive and tear others (or ourselves) down. With just a simple shift in our language, the words we’re...