Break Free from the Cage of Your Limiting Beliefs

Break Free from the Cage of Your Limiting Beliefs

Live Your Best Life
Do you feel like your life is a facade? Does the outside appearance of your existence match what’s inside–in your heart, your mind, your dreams?
If you feel like you’re living someone else’s life, stop. You were made for so much more.
How do I know??? I’ve been where you are–discouraged, overwhelmed, undervalued, unloved, lonely, unreasonably responsible…I broke free from the cage I had trapped myself in, and I can help you break free from your cage too. No judgement. No forcing you to keep up with an unrealistic pace. Just real help from a real person who wants to see you live your life with clarity, freedom, self-love, fulfillment, inner peace, and a Heart of Confidence!

I’m Tonya
Women are amazing, including you! Yes, YOU!!! You are enough, right now, IN THIS MOMENT. If I can help you see that, then together we can take one more step toward making the world a better place. When women can open their hearts and see their real value and live THEIR truth, they don’t have to compete with anyone else; they have an inner calm that helps them weather any storm. And it’s contagious! It influences their friends, their family members, their children…the world. If you’re ready to make a change in your heart that will begin to change everything else around you, let’s talk!
What I Offer
Private or Group Coaching
Work one-on-one with me. You decide the goals, you decide the pace. Or, work with me in a group setting. Either way, we’ll work on challenging and slashing limiting beliefs, rocking self-awareness, self-love, and self-confidence, and living a life of lasting change that allows you to shatter the imaginary ceiling on your full potential.
Monthly Membership
Join the gang on the topic of the month and take the initiative on action steps as they come up in real time or explore current and past content at your whim. Either way you’ll be building your best self and your best life with topics like gratitude, intuition, strategies for more energy, and much, much more.
Book & Podcast
Read real-life examples that will help you see and understand that you are enough, right now, in this moment! No impossible expectations necessary.
Or, enjoy my fun and lie-shattering FREE podcast and connect with new ideas and new voices in both interview and solo episodes.
What I Do
I help women increase their self-confidence and become the best version of themselves because the ripple effect can change the world, for generations.
Start Now
How It Works
Decide You're Ready for a Change
This process is all about you and your truth. That’s why the first step has to be you deciding to make a change.
Submit an Initial Survey
Schedule a Discovery Session
We both deserve to know that working together is the right choice before money becomes an issue. I need to know that you’re really ready to change, and you need to know that you can trust me to help you on your journey toward your best life. Schedule your discovery session at no cost to you.
Open Up the Throttle and Let's Get Moving!
Nothing gets a girl’s heart pumping quite like a wild ride on a powerful engine! Your life is more powerful, and more exhilarating, than any other thing out there, so let’s shred those limiting beliefs and get you moving full-speed ahead on your crazy joyful ride.
Find Your Confidence