Podcast: Ep. #115 – Why We Need to Spend More Time Outside
Why we need to spend more time outside


I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love this time of year. The weather is warming up, so you’ll probably find me camping, riding my motorcycle, or even hanging out with friends. Honestly, I just feel like my spirits are lifted because I love being outside. I think spending more time outdoors is beneficial for all of us, and we need to make it a priority, now more than ever!

Maybe the outside only changes a little bit, like if you live in places with winter months (like I do), and it’s really cold outside. It’s not as fun to get out during the winter (at least for me), so let’s take advantage of this season. Let’s consider and be open to the possibility of bringing some of that energy into the winter months with us as well. I really want to talk about the actual idea of getting outside more today because as the warm weather comes, our spirits start to lift. The days are longer, and we have more light!

Even though we’re excited for summer, we end up doing the same things and have the same routine all the time. I really want to encourage you to follow through on the things that you want to do this time of year.

In today’s episode, I cover:

  • The importance of planning and making time in our schedule to get outside with family, friends, or even by yourself
  • How spending more time in nature can actually improve our overall health and well-being (an amazing book written by Florence Williams goes into the science behind all of this, and it’s so cool!)
  • Why the scenery and environment where we live doesn’t really matter as long as we’re getting outside more

There were even studies done in the Japanese cypress forests, and then these same studies were repeated those studies in Moab, Utah, in the United States. The Japanese cypress forests have this lush green, and then Moab is basically the desert with red rock, sand dirt, clay, etc. The results were basically the same, and it showed how important it is just being out in nature.

While there is no such thing as a “magic pill”, spending time outside is actually a form of preventative medicine in some countries, and it really can bring us the peace and calm we truly need (and crave). I want to encourage you to focus on being present, and take in all of the beauty around you. I can’t wait to hear all of the fun things you’ll be doing and experiencing when you spend more time outside this summer!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

  • Are you ready for a life coach? If so, connect with me at The Heart of Confidence. I want to help you break free from the cage of your limiting beliefs!
  • Connect with me over on Instagram so we can continue this conversation!
  • This episode is sponsored by Perfectly Imperfect Membership-https://theheartofconfidence.com/membership. If you’re feeling like a hot mess and you know you need a change, or you’re just ready to level up and not sure where to start, you can try my new membership risk free for 7 days!

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