Why You Need to Stop Hoping for a Better Past
Why you need to stop hoping for a better past


I recently heard the phrase “stop hoping for a better past”, and while that maybe isn’t quite what you or I would expect to hear, it really hit home with me. It’s such a simple phrase, but it really packs a punch, and I think we can all relate to this somehow. We’ve all been through something in our past that really hurt our hearts, and we wish we could change. How much time, energy, and attention are you still giving to hoping for a better past though, and how is it affecting you now?

I see in my clients, and with people I work with who have experienced past abuse, been through domestic violence relationships, serious illnesses, etc. There are those who had parents who were addicted to substances when they were growing up, or just experienced other traumatic events in both their childhood and their adult life. Sometimes these events stick with us, and it’s difficult for us to move onto something else.

My past upbringing that I wish was different, but also shaped me to be who I am today.

I personally was raised in a very close-minded space. The main theme was that everything had to “look” okay. Any mistreatment or abuse of any kind was meant to be swept under the rug. We just didn’t talk about it, and it was like it didn’t exist.

You didn’t get to call anybody out, or say what you really meant. It was more like just “put up and shut up”. Yes-I would have LOVED a different dynamic from all of that! Unfortunately, all of this dramatically impacted my adult relationships, both with romantic partners, and with friends. I also chose not to dwell on this though, because I know it’s helped me to become who I am today. I’m a better Mom because of it, and it’s shown me how I want to raise my children.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about:

  • All of your past experiences that have shaped you and taught you something, and also made you who you are today
  • Understanding that who you really are should matter more than what others think
  • Why worrying about your past will keep you from moving forward with your present, and your future

If you continue being angry at the fact you didn’t have a better past experience, then you’re not living. Life is meant to be lived after all! I know your past doesn’t bring you joy or light up your soul. You can find ways to find the freedom to move forward, and not stay stuck dwelling in the past.

Stop hoping for a better past, and instead, work through it so you can move forward with your life.

If you’re really struggling with some of your past issues, therapy may be a great option for you (it’s helped me tremendously). Once your ‘stuff’ is out and you’ve worked through what you needed to, it’s gone. It doesn’t have a permanent residency within you anymore!

I want you to stop hoping for a better past. It’s time to find what lights up your soul and focus on being more in the present; this is what’s going to create a beautiful future for you!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

  • Are you ready for a life coach? If so, connect with me at The Heart of Confidence. I want to help you break free from the cage of your limiting beliefs!
  • Connect with me over on Instagram so we can continue this conversation!
  • This episode is sponsored by Reech Yoga Mats- http://theheartofconfidence.com/myreech. Get a 30 day money-back guarantee when you try your mat today, and use the code HOTMESS10 for $10 off!

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