Podcast: Ep. #111 – Why You Need to Believe in Yourself First
Why you need to believe in yourself first


Do you struggle with pursuing your goals if you don’t feel like you’re being supported? Maybe your significant other, a family member, or close friend isn’t showing you the support you were hoping for (or you think you need), so you stay stuck, and don’t move forward. If you have a big dream or goal you’re going after, I’m here to tell you that YOU have to believe in yourself before anyone else can.

Maybe you’ve dealt with your spouse or family telling you that what you’re wanting to do is a bad idea, and you shouldn’t even try. Even if they have your best interest at heart (which often they do, even if it doesn’t seem like that), you don’t actually need their approval, or their permission to move forward. I’m not a huge fan of asking for permission (not a shocker if you know me anyway), but I do believe in harmony, and it helps when you at least have a conversation with your support system, so you can be on the same page.

This information I’m sharing with you today is truly valuable, and can be beneficial for you, no matter what challenge you’re going through, or what goal you’re striving for.

In today’s episode, I cover:

  • The importance of getting very specific when it comes to what you need from your support system
  • Why you don’t need validation from someone else
  • Learning that it’s no one else’s job to lift you up and believe in you, even when that’s all we want
  • Why really evaluating your hesitations and concerns will help you to find the belief you need in yourself to move forward

I want you to really dig deep and think about what it will take for you to become the person you envision yourself to be. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but also understand you can accomplish the things you want to as long as YOU know you can. You deserve to have a thriving, successful, and healthy life-I’m cheering you on, because I know you can do it!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

  • Are you ready for a life coach? If so, connect with me at The Heart of Confidence. I want to help you break free from the cage of your limiting beliefs!
  • Connect with me over on Instagram so we can continue this conversation!
  • This episode is sponsored by Reech Yoga Mats- http://theheartofconfidence.com/myreech. Get a 30 day money-back guarantee when you try your mat today, and use the code HOTMESS10 for $10 off!

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