Podcast: Ep. #109 – 9 Signs You May Be In a Toxic Relationship
9 signs you may be in a toxic relationship


Have you ever felt like something in your relationship is a little off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Maybe you do recognize that your relationship is in a bad place, but you’re not sure how to improve it for the better, or if that’s even possible.

I hope some of these signs will be eye-opening for you, and get you to thinking about important conversations you may need to have with the person who is toxic in your life. Being able to do it from a place of being calm, cool, and collected will truly go a long way!

In today’s episode, I cover 9 signs you may be in a toxic relationship, like:

  • Embarrassment (they don’t like you expressing your thoughts, dressing a certain way, being in certain situations, etc.)
  • They can’t be trusted to show up and support you
  • Poor communication (filled with sarcasm and criticism)
  • Resentment (holding grudges-whether they’re holding it against you or you’re holding it against them)
  • Dishonesty (you feel like they’re always keeping things from you)
  • Disrespect (they continue to put others before you, and what you’re doing just doesn’t matter)
  • Negative financial choices (no consideration for what they’re spending or plans for the future)
  • Lack of self care (you’re withdrawing from the things you used to enjoy doing, because you don’t have the energy to put toward them anymore)
  • No acknowledgement for what you’re doing (cleaning the house, making a delicious meal, planning a special date, etc.)

I also want you to consider how these things may be affecting the relationship YOU have with yourself. Nope-it’s not just about negative relationships with your significant other, parent, boss, coworker, etc. Really go over this list and think about how many of these apply to your own life. Maybe it’s all of them, or maybe it’s just one or two, but either way, you have to start by asking yourself if you have a toxic relationship with yourself (hint-the answer is already within you!)

While it can be pretty difficult to change someone else’s toxic traits, we do have the power to change ourselves, which is amazing! I want you to start by being more aware of your thoughts, and what you’re saying, and over time, you can dramatically improve the relationship you have with yourself.

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

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